Complete professional logistic services.

Transport of products with a load capacity of 3 to 20 tons under controlled temperature conditions.

Keeping vegetables and fruits in an appropiate enviromnent, according to customer quality standards and EU rules in force. Advantages of products stored in an appropriate space: keeping their freshness and integrity, ease of handling and transport.

With the help of our high quality specialized colleagues, we assure the sorting of vegetables and fruits on gauges or to remove products that do not match the quality level in the case of returns.

To meet the needs of our customers and their partners, we offer packing of vegetables and fruits on the net by weight categories as well as repalletize services.
Complete professional logistic services
We are a young team of over 10 years of experience who knows and understands the needs of players in this field and proactively identifies new solutions to optimize customer’s costs by transporting, storing and handling goods.
The starting point was the positioning of our storage facilities in the immediate vicinity of the largest retail chain platforms in Romania. For both our national partners, but especially for the external ones, having our own local presence means developing our own infrastructure and involving insured logistics costs. This is also reflected in the final price of the products they sell. Also the available storage capacity (440 pallets) again offers a possibility to minimize transport costs. Our customers can deliver a large quantity of goods direclty to the warehouse, and daily deliveries according to an agreed order schedule will be made through logistics provided by our company.
In cases where our clients’ partners return the merchandise delivered due to non-compliance with the required standards, we provide the sorting and calibration services or, as the case may be, packing and repainting, so that the products comply with quality standards and be received by the final customer as soon as possible.
To successfully fulfill its mission, Delanoi Fruct Service privides its customers with a dedicated team to support reception and quality control. With the help of our colleagues at the points of recept of the goods, we mean downloading, weighing and checking the quality of the products and ensuring the loading and return of the packaging.
The solutions proposed by Delanoi Fruct Service help its customers to be more productive and more profitable. Thanks to an efficient logistics flow, the customer can optimize its productions, transport costs, can quickly honor orders, ensuring full control over the quality of vegetables and fruits.
Succes and performance are based on the quality of the services provided to the market by Delanoi Fruct Service, which understands to me not only a supplier but also a serious and long-leasting partner that contributes decisively to the success of its customers.


Delanoi Fruct Service SRL
CUI: RO35834661
Reg. Com.: J29/588/2016
Str. Londra nr 7, Ariceștii Rahtivani, Prahova, România.
Valentina Ghiță
Telefon: 0721 114 265
E-mail: valentina.ghita@delanoi.ro
Cosmin Ion
Phone: 0732 400 444
E-mail: cosmin.ion@delanoi.ro

Str. Londra nr 7,
Ariceștii Rahtivani, Prahova, România
Email: office@delanoi.ro
Professional logistics services
Cargo reception | Reception of vegetables and fruits
Freight transport | Transshipment of vegetables and fruits
Freight storage | Fruit and vegetable storage
Sorting of goods | Sort vegetables and fruits
Fruit and vegetable packaging | Repackaging of goods